The Challenge
On Saturday, May 3, 2025, an expected crowd of 2500 will cheer on teams of four—who have just three hours (adult teams) or four hours (youth teams) to build wooden boats from scratch—before racing them through a marked course in the bay!
Competition is fierce and fun as teams work with only provided materials and simple tools (no power tools except battery operated drills) at this family friendly community fundraiser. Expect creative designs, costumed teams, skilled craftspeople and at least one ‘sinker’. It is no surprise that the Wooden Boat Challenge is a highlight of the festival and continues to grow in popularity year after year.
The Wooden Boat Challenge is one of the Bodega Bay Fisherman Festival’s main attractions, with thousands of spectators cheering on teams competing for the First Place trophy, and bragging rights.

Team Instructions
Adult Teams Schedule
- Construction: 10:00 am to 1:00 pm; races start at 2:00 pm
- Voting ends: 1:30 pm
- Race starts: 2:00 pm
Youth Teams Schedule
- Construction: 9:00 am to 1:00 pm (1 extra hour); races start at 2:00 pm
- Voting ends: 1:30 pm
- Race starts: 2:00 pm
Boat Building Materials (Provided)
- 2 sheets of 3/8” x 4’ x 8’ plywood
- 12 pieces of 1” x 2” x 8’ lumber
- 2 pieces of 2” x 2” x 8’ lumber
- 2 lbs of 1” and/or 1 ¼” (depending on donations) sheet rock screws
- 1 lbs of 1 ” roofing nails
- 1 roll of duct tape
- 3 tubes of caulking
- 25’ of poly rope
- 1 piece of poly sheeting (8’ x 12’)
- 1lb of 2 1/2″ screws
- Teams will consist of a maximum of 4 members–pre-registered.
- Building time:
- Adult teams: 3 hours, 10:00 am – 1:00 pm
- Youth teams: 4 hours, 900 am – 1:00 pm
- Only the provided materials may be incorporated into the boat, with the exception of decorations – these may not be structural. Sawhorses, tarps and poles may be used but must remain ashore during the race.
- The Boat must be built using only non-power tools, with the exception of battery-powered screw guns for driving screws.
- Drawings are okay but no full size patterns.
- Team members (minimum one) must power the boat. No motors permitted. Paddles or oars must be made from materials provided.
- Racers must wear Personal Flotation Devices.
- A bailing device must be carried in the boat during the race (provided).
The adult competition is held on Saturday, and starts promptly at 10:00 am.
The youth competition is held on Saturday, and starts promptly at 9:00 am.
Teams will be able to enter the Festival Grounds at 8:00 am. It is suggested youth teams arrive at 8:00 am and adult teams arrive before 9:00 am.
No festival tickets are required for team members. All team members will have their name on a pre-entry list at the ticket booth. No family members will be admitted without a ticket or name on the list.
Upon entering the grounds, check in at the Wooden Boat Challenge (WBC) booth. It will be located close to the launching ramp area. All of your building supplies will be dispensed from there and you will be shown to your building area.
Your vehicle will be permitted on the festival grounds to drop off tools, equipment and supplies. Your vehicle must be moved and parked off the grounds during the festival. The parking location will be determined that morning.
Bring your own tools. The only power tools allowed are battery operated drill/screw guns. (Don’t forget Phillips head screw bit(s) for your screw gun.) All hand tools, jigs, plans (no full sized templates allowed), tables, saw horses, clamps, staple guns (don’t forget staples), caulking guns, chalk lines, tape measures, saws, hammers, chisels, adzes, planes, etc. are allowed and encouraged.
Bring decorating items, including latex paint, signs, etc. You may decorate the boat, as long as no item positively affects the performance of the boat. You are also encouraged to decorate your building site, and of course costumes are a plus, but not required.
You will be supplied a bailing device, usually a small container.
REQUIRED: You MUST bring regulation life jackets for your paddling team. (The paddling team can consist only of one to four members of your construction team.)
The building period stops at 1:00 pm for adult and youth teams.
There is a 60 minute break before the first race. You may use this time to continue decorating and/or test your boat until 1:30 pm. Please don’t go out past the end of the docks! After the building period, the only allowed boat repairs will be the application of duct tape to repair leaks.
Due to unforeseeable weather, the race course will be decided by 1:30 PM on the day of the race.
You will be required to remove your boat from the festival site by 6:00 PM the same day. Please contact us ahead of time if there is a problem with removing your boat that day.
We would like to suggest that teams bring water and snacks. There is also food/drinks available for purchase at the event.. As previously mentioned the weather is unforeseeable so please come prepared for a variety of weather conditions. We have had rain and sun in past years, so sunscreen is also suggested.
We strongly suggest you have your families and friends attend the festival to cheer your team on. Festival attendees will vote for their favorite team, and the winning team will earn the ever-popular “People’s Choice Award” Trophy.
Family Members must pay the festival entrance fee, even if they come to the festival early with you. Pre-sale tickets are available. Ask us for details.
If you have questions contact us.